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Which tape is used for car painting?

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Car painting tape is also known as Automotive masking tape, a kind of high temperature resistant masking paper tape, compared with the ordinary paper tape, automotive masking tape can withstand temperatures of 120 degrees Celsius or 180 degrees Celsius, which can meet the requirements of professional automotive painting industry.


With the rapid development of the automotive industry, cars have become an indispensable part of our daily life, and now more and more young people will like to DIY their own car colors, they will think it is cool. When we paint our cars, we often encounter a trouble that the places we don't need to paint sometimes get stained with paint, and now we can solve this problem very well, that is, by using car masking tape.

In professional car painting, drying the painted parts at high temperature is an essential procedure. Ordinary masking tape can only withstand a temperature of about 60 degrees Celsius, and when we heat it up, the tape will come off the surface of the car and cause the paint project to fail.

On the other hand, auto body masking tape is designed with a special adhesive that sticks well to the surface of the car even at high temperatures, does not come off until the paint dries, and can be easily removed at the end of the job, leaving a clean surface and clean edges.

When we choose car body masking tape, we must choose a tape that has good adhesion and can withstand a certain temperature. Kunshan Yuhuan high temperature masking tape is weather resistant, easy to clean, leaves no residue and can withstand up to 180 degrees Celsius, making it one of the best choices in the international market.

 Kunshan Yuhuan has 17 years of production experience in the industrial tape industry and is a leader in the industry, being A trustworthy global product supply company. If you are interested in this tape, click on the email below to contact us now.

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