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How to clean skateboard grip tape ?

Views: 706 Author: EONBON Marketing Department Publish Time: Origin: Site

To decorate our skateboards we often use skateboard grip tape, and this tape also makes it safer when doing skateboard stunts.

But after we have used it for a while, our skateboard grip tape can become dirty due to dust or mud from the bottom of our shoes, so we need to clean it regularly, here's how to clean it properly.

Tips to Clean Skateboard Grip Tape


  • Broom 

  • Cleaning duster

  • Vacuum cleaner

  • Soap

  • Sponge

  • Brush

  • Mild detergent


  1. Clean the surface of the tape with a broom, cleaning duster, or vacuum cleaner at least once a week.

  2. When the grip tape is dirty, you can simply clean it with warm soapy water and a sponge. But if the grip tape only needs cleaning from dust or grit, you can just use a brush to wipe it off.

  3. If you spill something on the tape, clean it immediately. Don’t leave it for later. Immediate cleaning will help to prevent stains on tape.

  4. If there are stains on the tape and you don’t know what caused them, you can use a general stain remover to clean them.

  5. Always use mild detergents to clean grip tape. Using detergents with harsh chemicals like ammonia and bleach can damage the tape. These toxic chemicals may also be harmful to your skin.

  6. When using detergents, don’t be afraid to scrub the tape surface briskly with a stiff, bristled brush.

Contact: lulu

Tags: Grip Tape

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