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Cut several strips of kinesiology stick tape according to the width of your shoulders. Cutting too short will affect the application effect, and cutting too long will cause a lot of waste. You need at least 3 strips of kinesiology stick tape on your shoulders, crossed for the best effect.
read moreThis tape can be applied not only to human skin, but also to the skin of horses or other animals. It can be applied between the competitive elements of many international equestrian events to speed up recovery and improve endurance. In recreational riding, it can relieve discomfort from acute and chronic injuries.
read moreKinesiology tape supports our lower back and helps to reduce discomfort when mom gets up and moves and gives her more mobility for as long as possible.At first, we may only need a small amount of tape for this, as your pregnancy progresses and your belly gets bigger, you may find that you need more tape support, so a combination of taping methods may work better for you.
read moreThe athletic tape is made with medical grade glue which reduces the chance of allergies for the user, while this tape is soft and breathable and can be stuck to one's skin for long periods of time. The glue side has a water ripple design which helps us to easily remove the tape from our skin without leaving a residue that will damage us to our skin.
read moreAthletic tapes are designed to work with your body and flex with your muscles to support rather than restrict the area, making it easier for your muscles to return to a medium state. They help reduce joint stress, provide muscle support and help you recover from pain more quickly.
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